As 3D printing becomes more and more accessible to everyone, its opening new opportunities to innovate in different industries. With 3D printing, you can create (almost) anything: from a large house to a small object that you can use in your everyday life.
In this video tutorial, Edwin Hernandez, Lead Computational Designer at ShapeDiver, shares "4 Ideas For Customizing Everyday Products w/ 3D Printing (& Grasshopper)!" Let's dive straight in!
1. Create A 3D Printable Pot/Planter

Starting from developing a simple parametric Pot Grasshopper script, you can create your parametric pot design. However, with the power of ShapeDiver, not only can you visualize your model, but you can also share it with thousands of others to view and 3D print it on their own. Upload the Grasshopper script, toggle, and play with many parameters like base diameter, base thickness, base profile, and so on!
2. Create A 3D Printable Laptop Cover!

Once we have a 3D model of our product, in this case, it's an Apple Macbook Air, and we can design its back cover in exciting patterns and designs. Using Lunchbox Plugin for the practices and Squid Plugin, we create a highly customizable and personalized design. But why not share it with the world? Well, ShapeDiver it!
Upload it on ShapeDiver, customize your model and see it visualized in real-time. Best part? Export the final product file to your 3D printer and see your product turn into reality!
3. Create A 3D Printable Bottle Cover/Wrapper!

How is this for a cool gifting Idea? A 3D printed customized wine bottle cover. Take an image, in this case, a Beatles album cover, run it through ShapeDiver ImageImportComponent and Rooster Plugin, and wrap it around our bottle using Surface Morph Component. Viola! With that, our Wine bottle cover is ready to be printed.
But why stick to just one image? Upload your Grasshopper script and easily create thousands of bottle covers with various images instantly! Please share them with your friends, family, and thousands of others online with the help of ShapeDiver.
4. Create A 3D Printable AirTag Keychain!

Apple AirTags is a fantastic and helpful accessory, especially in its ability to locate lost objects. Just put it in your bag, on your bicycle, or in your wallet and forget it! It's that easy. However, due to its small size, it's also effortless to lose it. What if we could print out a 3D keychain for the AirTag? Well, in this example, we do just that.
And not only do we explore how to customize it, but we also upload it to ShapeDiver and access lots of parameters to tweak and change. Once we design the one we like the best, we can then export the 3D file to our 3D printer and see our designs in reality!
Bottom Line
We hope that these four ideas involving 3D printing and Grasshopper helped you kickstart your creativity. Possibilities are literally endless, and we can't wait to see what you build using our platform!
Do you have a great idea to share? Let us know by tagging us on Twitter or Instagram!
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