How It Works
Are you ready to start? Follow the instructions below, and in just a few clicks, you'll be able to host your Grasshopper files online, including all their parameters and solutions, and share them with anyone worldwide.
Want to go further? Start a trial and access higher computation times, export limits, and our APIs and SDKs.
Getting Started
1) Prepare Your Grasshopper File
✓ Download and install the latest version of our Grasshopper plugin (or use Rhino's Package Manager).
✓ Create or update your Grasshopper file(s) by following our documentation and video tutorials.
✓ Use any of our 40+ supported third-party plugins to enhance the functionality of your Grasshopper file.
✓ Receive cost-free support by sharing your questions in our Support Forum.
2) Upload To ShapeDiver
✓ Create a Free account and complete the registration process.
✓ Click the "Upload" button and 'drag & drop' your Grasshopper file directly on your browser.
✓ If your file follows our guidelines, our system will automatically scan your Grasshopper file and output an online application in a few seconds.
✓ Are you having problems with your file? Remember to follow our best practices and guidelines! When in doubt, our team is ready to assist via our Support Forum.
3) Set Up Your ShapeDiver Model
✓ Setup lights, camera properties, Augmented Reality (AR) settings, background, post-processing effects, and more. Remember: we cover all of these topics (and more) in our documentation!
✓ Manage the order and visibility of your parameters.
✓ Set your model visibility to public or private.
✓ Want to go further? Start a trial period of any of our paid plans. You'll get access to powerful features such as scripted components, import/export CAD data, iframe embedding, access to various APIs and SDKs, and more!
4) Share Your ShapeDiver Model
✓ Share your public models with anyone via your model's URL.
✓ Sensitive files? Share your private models with clients and team members via Link Sharing or any of our other secure sharing methods included in our paid plans.
✓ Learn more about the powerful features included in our paid plans.
Meet App Builder, our Grasshopper-powered, UI-builder framework.
✓ Create dynamic and customizable user interfaces for your ShapeDiver models.
✓ Access advanced features such as clicking on and dragging elements, drawing tools, and an AI agent (BETA).
✓ Organize your user interface in various UI containers, tabs, and widgets.
✓ Hide/show parameters and sections depending on the values of model inputs and outputs.
✓ Use images, formatted text sections, and other UI elements such as tables, graphs, and much more.
✓ Powered by nothing by Grasshopper!
Unlock even more with ShapeDiver's APIs and SDKs.
✓ Access our APIs to remotely manage hosted Grasshopper models, trigger computations, upload input data files, and retrieve computation results and analytics.
✓ Access and interact with your Grasshopper models through our Viewer API.
✓ Create custom user interfaces that match your exact product's requirements.
✓ Enable interactive selection, 'drag & drop', animations, and various effects in the 3D viewer scene.
✓ Connect to eCommerce platforms, ERP systems, and external databases.
✓ Use ShapeDiver's SDKs to communicate with our APIs, allowing you to integrate ShapeDiver models into your own applications without needing the ShapeDiver Viewer.
How does it really work?
The ShapeDiver system provides an online interface to servers running Rhinoceros and Grasshopper.
Our servers compute the solutions of the requested sets of parameters and send the results in geometry and data formats optimized for third-party web and desktop applications.
Moreover, the caching and load balancing systems ensure that results are always delivered with the best performance, even under intense usage.
To unlock the full potential of our platform, you'll need the right ShapeDiver plan depending on the complexity of your Grasshopper files (overall computation times, size of outputs, etc.) and the traffic on your website.
Do you need help with your Grasshopper files?
We specialize in helping clients across various industries leverage the power of computational design with a focus on cloud-based solutions.
Whether you are working on a simple design or a large, complex project, our team has the skills and experience to help you succeed.
Get Started For FREE
With ShapeDiver, designers can host their Grasshopper definitions online, including all their parameters and solutions. In a few clicks, upload definitions and start interacting with them in the platform.
Upload unlimited definitions for free and share public ones with a simple link. The online viewer provides a visual interface in the web browser to update parameters and get instant visual feedback of the solutions.